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New staff in the NWCI

Published: Wednesday, September 26, 2012

There are lots of new faces in the NWCI team.

Elva O'Callahan is Project Coordinator of our new youth project The Y-Factor. She works together with Laura Maloney, The Y-Factor Development Worker. Elva and Laura can be contacted at: elvaoc@nwci.ie and lauram@nwci.ie

Silke Paasche is our new Communications and Membership Development Officer. Her e-mail is silkep@nwci.ie

Aoife Campbell recently started as NWCI's Receptionist. If you want to contact Aoife, write to aoifec@nwci.ie

Áine Travers is our Human Rights Intern. Her e-mail is ainet@nwci.ie

Lisa Deegan just joined the team for a student placement until Christmas. She can be contacted at: lisad@nwci.ie





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